Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


“There” adalah salah satu jenis kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang diketahui ada.
Coba bandingkan kedua kalimat berikut:
  1. “A fly is in my soup.”
  2. “There is a fly in my soup!”
Kalimat pertama adalah kalimat faktual dan impersonal. The fly (lalat) adalah subjek, dan soup (sop) adalah objek. Dalam kalimat ke-dua objek adalah “a fly in my soup”, sehingga subjek adalah “There”. “There” berfungsi sebagai sebuah jenis subjek sulih (dummy) yang mewakili perspektif yang lebih personal ketimbang pernyataan faktual.
Terkhusus dalam bahasa Inggris lisan kita biasanya menggunakan singkatan.
Berikut bentuk-bentuk “there” dalam kalimat Simple Present.
Kalimat positif
There’s a tree in my garden.
There are books on the desk. (‘there are’ tidak memiliki singkatan)
Kalimat negatif
There isn’t a computer in my bedroom.
There aren’t any cinemas here.
Is there a restaurant here?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t
There is digunakan bersama kata benda tunggal. Contoh:
  • There is a book on the table
There are digunakan bersama kata benda jamak. Contoh:
  • There are two magazines on the desk.
Akan tetapi, terkadang kita dapat menggunakan “There is” bersama dengan subjek ganda, misalnya:
  • There’s a bank and apost office near my house.
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan
1) A : Tyler, do you like London?
    B : Sure, there are lots of restaurants and shops, and there’s a lot of beautiful parks and 

         museums as well. I really want to live there.
    A : Me too!
2) A : Hey, this is a great apartment.
    B : Thanks. There’s a lot of space, and there are some really nice neighbors as well.
    A : Are there any stores near here?
    B : Sure, there is a supermarket near here.
    A : You have a great view!
    B : Right. There’s only one problem.
    A : What’s that?
    B : It’s really expensive!
3) X : Is there any pizza?
    Y : No we don’t have any, sorry.
    X : Well, are there any apples?
    Y : Er, yes, there’s some in the kitchen. Help yourself.
Kosa kata baru:
there are = ada
restaurant = restoran
shop = toko
there is = ada
beautiful = indah
park = taman
museum = museum
there  = disana
live = tinggal
apartment = apartemen
space =ruang
near = dekat
nearby = dekat
view = pendapat
problem = masalah
expensive = mahal
pizza = pizza
sorry = maaf
kitchen = dapur
help yourself = kerjakan sendiri

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

How to Use SOME & ANY

Some digunakan untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang tidak pasti, jumlah pasti dianggap tidak penting. Some digunakan pada pernyataan-pernyataan afirmatif, misalnya:
- I have some books.
- She wants some apples.
Some juga digunakan dalam pertanyaan, tetapi hanya apabila kita memperkirakan jawaban pertanyaan tersebut adalah “Ya”. Contoh:
- Do you have some paper? (penanya berharap jawabannya adalah “Ya”)
- Would you like some french fries?
(penanya berharapan jawabannya adalah “Ya”).
Any digunakan dalam pernyataan-pernyataan negatif. Misalnya:
- I don’t have any money.
- There aren’t any taxis near here.
Any juga umumnya digunakan dalam pertanyaan, khususnya jika kita memperkirakan jawabannya adalah “Tidak”. Contoh:
- Do you have any paper? (penanya memperkirakan jawabannya kemungkinan “Tidak”)
- Is there any time to go to the doctor’s?
(penanya memperkirakan kemungkinan tidak ada waktu).
Some dan any sering digunakan seperti artikel (a/an) untuk kata benda jamak. A/an digunakan untuk kata benda countable tunggal, dan some/any bisa digunakan untuk kata benda jamak, countable atau uncountable. Misalnya:
- I have a newspaper, some newspaper, and some money
“A newspaper” merupakan kata benda countable tunggal jadi digunakan a, “newspapers” merupakan kata benda countable jamak jadi digunakan some, dan money merupakan kata benda uncountable jadi juga digunakan some.
Pada awalnya memang kelihatan rumit, tetapi ketika anda mempraktikkan penggunaannya dan tidak sekedar membacanya akan lebih bermakna, dan semakin anda berpengalaman dan percaya diri anda akan segera belajar menggunakan grammar bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan
1) Do you have any coffee?
No, I don’t, but I’ve got some tea. Do you want some?
Yes, please.
Do you want a cookie too?
Sure, I love cookies.
2) I’m really hungry. Let’s eat.
OK. I’ve got some chicken in the refridgerator, do you want some?
Yea, that sounds great.
I’ve also got some tacos in the cupboard, and there’s an apple pie as well.
Do you have any juice?
Sure, it’s over there. Help yourself.
3) It’s Mum’s birthday next week. Let’s get her a present.
OK. How about some perfume?
Well, she doesn’t have any. She doesn’t use it.
So how about some clothes or a watch?
That’s a good idea, but I don’t know her size.
Let’s just buy a gift voucher. Then she can choose her own present.
Great idea!
Kosa kata baru:
Any = satu atau beberapa
coffee = kopi
some = beberapa
tea = teh
I’ve got = I have = mendapatkan
cookie = kue kering
refrigerator = kulkas
taco = taco
cupboard = lemari
birthday = ulang tahun
Get = mendapatkan
present = kado/hadiah
perfume = parfum
use = menggunakan
watch = jam tangan
size = ukuran
gift voucher = voucher hadiah
then = kemudian
choose = memilih

Look at the chart below:
We use "some" in positive sentences. We use some for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: I have some friends.
We use "any" in negative sentences or questions. We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: Do you have any cheese? - He doesn't have any friends in Chicago.
We use "some" in questions when offering or requesting something that is there.Example: Would you like some bread? (offer) - Could I have some water? (request)
We use "any" in negative sentences or questions. We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: Do you have any cheese? - He doesn't have any friends in Chicago.
We use "some" words - somebody, someone, somewhere and something - in positive sentences. Example: He lives somewhere near here.
We use "any" words - anybody, anyone, anywhere and anything - in negative sentences or questions. Example: Do you know anything about that boy? - She doesn't have anywhere to go.

To all the grade 7 students of SMP 7 Tegal,
Download the exercise of some and any HERE